Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Maybe you'll become Hawaiian if you wear a Hawaiian shirt...

A lot of brand name cookbooks are real horror shows because they try to shoehorn one ingredient into every single type of recipe the writers can think of, whether or not it belongs there.

Crisco, however, has fewer such problems. It's common enough in all kinds of things-- an ingredient in baked goods, an oil for frying or sauteing. I remember going through tubs of stuff when I was learning to cook as a teenager, using it in pie crusts, cookies, and popcorn. Even though I use considerably less now, I'm not surprised that today's recipe from 1973's Crisco's Favorite Family Foods Cookbook actually sounds fine. It looks pretty good:

King Kamehameha may indeed have liked this attractive pie, sunshine yellow and crowned with whipped cream and macadamia nuts. He likely would have been unfamiliar with the filling, though.

Yes, this appears to be a tropical treat, but look in the foreground and you will probably figure out what makes this nominally Hawaiian pie seem distinctly un-Hawaiian to me.

It is, in fact, an apple pie. The apples are cooked and covered with a pineapple juice sauce, but this is unquestionably an apple pie and Hawaii, for the most part, does not get cool enough to easily grow apples that are not of the pine variety.

I am not sure why the pie couldn't contain actual pineapple, but I will be happy to file this away with all the old recipes that magically became "Oriental" with the addition of a tablespoon of soy sauce or hot and spicy with two drops of Tabasco. Just remember, apples are Hawaiian if you cook them in pineapple juice.

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